Storoems, (pronounced Storms), is a new genre of writing created to tell some of the real-life stories/situations that people experience on their journey throughout life. Storoems also introduces you to a style of writing known as “Situation Writing”, which is a style of writing designed to help you get over, pass, away or through whatever situation you may be going through or have been through and lived to talk about it, but still find it hard to move on or let go of; past or present.
Storoems are written and designed to help people grow mentally, spiritually and physically. One of the goals of the author is to give people a different outlook on life through the eyes of everyday people going through everyday real-life experiences in their own unique way, whether that was by their actions or them simply sharing their stories.
Book 1 – When The Heart Speaks, “20 Years of Silence”
You will experience the emotional rollercoaster ride of life, as well as the trials and tribulations one goes through when they keep things inside too long or don’t know how to express themselves when those feelings are pleading to come out, but you refuse to release them or don’t know how to release them.
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Book 2 – Peace Therapy, “The Healing Process Begins”
Peace Therapy will bring up old memories, happy and bad times, loved ones and enemies you might have or had. It will show you the mistakes you’ve made and how to correct them. In order to move on, you must be willing to face and fight whatever brought you to this point.
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Book 3 – The Shedding Season, “Unwrapping the Clone”
The Shedding Season picks up where the healing slows down but gives us enough courage and confidence to start over with our life. In other words, this is where you show the new you to the world. Out with the old, in with the new and show how you’ve grown.
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Book 4 – Conversations With God, “Spending Quality Time with Father”
You may need to humble yourself before you began reading, and if you’re waiting on God to do it for you, you’re going to be waiting a while. This is when you get to ask your questions and set the record straight. You may or may not like some of the answers, but if you listen carefully, I’m sure you’ll understand now or later; that depends on you and your state of mind.
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Book 5 – Silent Thoughts, “A Book of Secrets”
Silent Thoughts is just that, the thoughts of a person who may be going through similar situations in their life. Since we don’t know their journey who are we to judge them, I think it’s best that we simply listen and learn as their situations teach us about life, and while we’re doing that who knows, a few “Secrets” may be revealed and save us a little pain or increase the joyful life we’re already living.
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Book 6 – Intimate Moments, “More Than Eyes Can See”
I’ve often tried to describe those rare and special occasions in our lives that highlight very important moments that impact us in ways we’ll never forget. These are teaching moments that help develop us into the person we become as time goes on and we grow as individuals.
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Book 7 – A Part of Me, You & Us
You’re going to read about some of the events that helped Us get to this point in our lives. This is a look inside the minds of a few people who are willing to share their stories with the intent of helping others who may be on similar journeys. This is how Me and You became Us and how our stories came into existence.
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Book 8 – Whispers In the Dark, “A TRIBUTE TO MAMA!”
Whispers in The Dark, is a collection of stories that help us mature and grow as individuals because we can sometimes grow and not mature without proper guidance, and that’s where the conversations (Whispers) you had with someone you respected, admired and told you what you needed to hear rather than what you wanted to hear, come into play. Whispers in The Dark, is also a tribute to my first love and best friend, my Mother, who passed away in the middle of the process of writing this book. So, I hope you don’t mind listening to a few of our most intimate moments. I promise you won’t be disappointed and may even learn a thing or two.
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